Instructions for submitting to the FilmFreeway Photo Platform
How To Submit
Instructions for submitting to the FilmFreeway Photo Platform (photos below)
Create an account
Click “My Projects” to create a new project. NB: You will need one project per submission.
Select Add a project
Select “Photography/Design” and enter the photo’s title
Fill in the available meta-information in sections 2-5
Click save project
Go to the Kelp Forest Photo Awards Event Page
Click “Submit” or “Submit again” if it is an additional entry
Select the project, i.e. photo you are submitting
Select your desired category (select only one per photo)
Complete the additional information queries
Select “Add to Cart” if you have additional entries you wish to make OR select “Add to cart & Checkout” if you have no more additional entries. You may submit multiple photos to the same category.
Create another project if you wish to submit additional entries.
Single entry cart
Multiple entry cart – This is the cost efficient option as it will save you multiple service fees.
Create an account
Click “My Projects” to create a new project. NB: You will need one project per submission.
Select Add a project
Select “Photography/Design” and enter the photo’s title
Fill in the available meta-information in sections 2-5
Click save project
Go to the Kelp Forest Photo Awards Event Page
Click “Submit” or “Submit again” if it is an additional entry
Select the project, i.e. photo you are submitting
Select your desired category (select only one per photo)
Complete the additional information queries
Select “Add to Cart” if you have additional entries you wish to make OR select “Add to cart & Checkout” if you have no more additional entries. You may submit multiple photos to the same category.
Create another project if you wish to submit additional entries.
Single entry cart
Multiple entry cart – This is the cost efficient option as it will save you multiple service fees.